AngularJs Framework

Why AngularJs Framework?

This article tells about why AngularJs is the preferred JavaScript Framework by most of the Web developers for their front-end web development. As, in present scenario consumers access websites and web applications on a variety of devices, operating systems and browsers. Therefore, developers have to pay a lot of attention to the website's user interface (UI) so that it's easy to access, use and navigate. As a strong client-side programming language, JavaScript helps developers to create rich web user interfaces (UI). Developers can further enhance web UI design using many front-end JavaScript frameworks but AngularJs is mostly preferred.
Like other open source javascript framework, AngularJS also helps developers to reduce overall web application development costs. But it triggers custom web application development by enabling the programmer to express various components of the web application by expanding the HTML syntax. Additionally, AngularJS updates the UI of the web-application whenever the backend changes by supporting two-way data binding. Developers can further extend it by integrating with various JavaScript libraries. So, let’s know why the web developers prefer it more:

ü Enhances the HTML syntax
As, in addition to being written in JavaScript, AngularJS is also distributed as a JavaScript file. It can be directly embedded in a web page through the script tag. In addition, it allows developers to express HTML to various components of the web application by expanding it with three ng-directives: - ng-app, ng-model and ng-bind. Web Developers can use AngularJS Expression to bind AngularJS data to HTML without writing additional code.

ü MVC pattern is implemented differently
Model-View-Controller enables developers to simplify the development of large web applications by isolating their user interface and business logic. But AngularJS implements the MVC pattern in a different way. The AngularJS team calls the different implementation of MVC as Model-View-Whatever. Model-View-Whatever pattern makes it easy for architecture programmers to improve performance and maintenance of complex web applications.

ü Two way data binding is supported
In addition to implementing the MVC architecture individually, AngularJS also supports two-way data binding. This feature helps developers to synchronize the data between model and view components without additional effort. AngularJS automatically updates the web application's frontend every time the web backend changes. As the AngularJS model synchronizes and views automatically, developers do not need to implement DOM manipulation.

ü Improves the server communication
By supporting caching, AngularJS significantly reduces web server load. Also, the built-in services provided by AngularJS assist developers in improving client-server communication. Services make it easy for web developers to work with various backend systems and solutions. Also, developers can take advantage of the underlying services to make the data return asynchronously without writing complex code.

ü Enforce client-side form validation
Web developers can create different types of forms with the combination of HTML, CSS and AngularJS. AngularJS helps developers to implement client-side form validation. It tracks the status of the form along with the individual text field. It also informs users about the current state of the form or input field. Developers can easily validate form input using the standard HTML5 features. AngularJS also allows them to write and use custom verification tasks.

ü Code remains maintenance and testable
AngularJS helps developers to write testable and maintainable code by expanding HTML syntax. In addition to extending existing HTML tags, developers can use instructions to create custom HTML syntax. Additionally, the Framework programmers keep code testable by allowing the program to use JavaScript objects. The model in AngularJS is also designed as plain JavaScript objects. Therefore, developers can use the framework to write clean, readable, maintainable and testable codes.

ü Provides an underlying dependency injection subsystem
Frequently web developers use dependency injection tools to inject the dependency on an object in the most appropriate way and make the object exchange dependencies easily. AngularJS simplifies dependency injection by providing the underlying dependency injection subsystem. The dependency injection subsystem makes it easy for the developers to replace different components from web applications along with the display of performing testing.

ü As a component of the MEAN stack
Most of the web developers prefer to use AngularJs as a  major component of the MEAN stack along with MongoDB as a NoSQL database, Express.js and Node.js. As a full-stack JavaScript, MEAN enables to write both client-side and server-side code in JavaScript by the programmers. With more and more enterprises who choose isomorphic applications, AngularJS is being widely used by developers as a component of MEAN Stack.

ü Many AngularJS-based frameworks
In addition to integrating AngularJS with widely used JavaScript libraries, web developers also have the option to avail many AngularJs based frameworks such as-Suave, PrimeNG, QuantumUI, SemanticUI and UI Bootstrap. The UI components provided by these angular JS-based frameworks make it easy for web developers to create custom web-based user interfaces. In addition, these frameworks help the developers create responsive and cross-browser web user interfaces.

ü It keeps on evolving
As previously mentioned, AngularJS is maintained by Google with the community of developers. Therefore, it is constantly evolving to simplify and speed up web application development. In November, the AngularJS 5 was released with many new features. The latest version of the JavaScript framework simplifies the development of progressive web applications, removes unnecessary code from the application via a build optimizer, and provides a new HTTP client.

As a result, the features provided by AngularJS help web application developers to create custom web UI in a short span of time. But web developers should remember that like the other JavaScript frameworks, AngularJS has its own professional and opposition. To accelerate custom web application development, they need to integrate AngularJS with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks. They can still use the latest version of AngularJS to take advantage of the set of new and improved features.

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