jQuery Vs JavaScript

Why To Use jQuery Over JavaScript!!

In this article we are going to talk about the major and important differences between jQuery and JavaScript which makes the prior one more advance than the latter. Both JavaScript and jQuery are client-side scripting libraries that are used for tasks like verification, creating visually appealing elements such as fancy navigation menus, etc. Because both the technologies (jQuery and JavaScript) have the same purpose, the decision of utilizing a specific technology lies with the programmers. In recent years, jQuery is quickly gaining popularity on JavaScript (JavaScript has been around for some a greater number of years than JQuery). Let's discuss the possible benefits of jQuery on javaScript.

ü jQuery is well compiled and efficient:-
jQuery has a strong community that works well in verifying and listing modules on the official portal. Let's consider for instance that a programmer wishes to utilize 'Date Picker' (the Date Picker component is utilized to choose a date from the pop up calendar. When chosen, the date value in the adjacent text box will be populated. This spares the composing time for end clients). If the programmer has picked JQuery, he will download the module quickly from the official website. On the other hand, if the same programmer has picked JavaScript, then he will search for the open source JavaScript code on Google for the 'Date Picker' element. There will be tens or hundreds of outcomes from which one must be picked up. Most probably, the code he would utilize would not have been confirmed or verified. So it becomes clear that jQuery is definitely well-organized and well-compiled. Reliable solution is possible with jQuery which may or may not be possible with JavaScript for most of the time.

ü Less testing effort is required:-
Before being made accessible for programmers, jQuery components are tested on every single popular browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome etc. Therefore the programmer does not need to test a component on all browsers. Thus, programmer enjoy the freedom of testing it on any one of the browsers. However, with JavaScript, there is no guarantee that the components will look and carry on a similar route in all browsers. That's why programmers using JavaScript need to do broad testing on all the browsers. Trial can be a daunting task when the number of JavaScript components used is high.

ü Less debugging effort is required:-
jQuery libraries are modular and very readable. They are more compact than Javascript. Being modular and compact, the jQuery code debugging makes it completely easier than JavaScript.   

ü jQuery is constantly updated:-
jQuery libraries are continually updated. Whenever web technologies and browsers evolve and become more advance, there are always compatibility issues with JavaScript libraries. But with JQuery it is not so. jQuery libraries are constantly updated to suit new changes in web technologies that interact with client side scripts.

So, at last all the reasons mentioned above makes the jQuery more advance and compatible for the programmer to use it in their codes rather than simply using JavaScipt. Using jQuery will also make your code more smoother and understandable because of having lots of predefined functions comparing to javaScript.

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