On-Call With PagerTree

Notifying And On-Call Scheduling with PagerTree

When it comes to instant On-Call scheduling with our employers for a meeting, we have to take care of the performance. Well, for these On-Calls scheduling to not become too complicated we have an amazing company “PagerTree” which gives us the best experience for it. So, before moving on to know more about this company that what technology it uses and how does it provide us this ease for On-Call scheduling and for notifying too with better experiences, first we will look at what is On-Call scheduling, why is it so important and what are the things to be taken in mind before On-call scheduling. 

On-Call scheduling is simply a call shift which a company or business uses to find out the needs for a task to be covered and regarding that determining the employers to be notified when that incident is triggered. In On-Call scheduling only one employer at a time is notified for that moment. It composes of basically three important components:
ü Users (Employers): Who are selected on the On-Call regarding that specific schedule?
ü Rotation type: When and how should the rotation shifts of your users (employers) takes place?
ü Effective Date for changing: When should the rotation which you have specified for your users (employers) takes place?

Importance of On-Call scheduling:-
ü A company’s first step to provide reliability for their customers and users.
ü Helps in implementing the correct time for the correct employers instantly when an issue arises in their company.
ü Helps in defining the whole actions quickly for their defense when an incident occurs in their company.
ü Helps in establishing the time limits for an employer to complete his task within in the given time interval which leads to an effective work and time saving for the company.
ü Provides an effective 24x7 coverage for scheduling the correct time for correct employers.

How to make On-Call scheduling better:-
ü  Should generally be avoided to make an On-Call in middle of the night for an employer, it would never be a good idea.
ü Should do the analysis rootly and should talk about the issues and look at the patters of their actions about how is it going to take place using a great monitoring set up.
ü A company should use the best tool to do this job of On-Call scheduling which helps them to have a controlled environment without any interfere and with ease.
ü A company or a business should learn the important basics of how to give incident response.
ü Should implement the schedule in a way that each employer should be able to enjoy his vacations too!

PagerTree a great Tool:-
Now when it comes to a great tool, I will recommend “PagerTree”. By reminding all the important and basics rules mentioned above to make the On-Call Scheduling more better, PagerTree also provides the important methodology techniques to do this job done with a lot more ease. Let’s have a look on what are the tools PagerTree do provide us:-

ü Live Call Routing:-
·      It purchases and manages global phone numbers using Twilio.
·      It also routes the incoming phone calls to PagerTree teams with On-Call schedules and escalation layers.        
·      If the On-Call is not answered for any reason, then it has caller voicemail.
·      It also optimizes “hold music” and “voicemail message”.

ü Single Sign-On and iCal integration:-
Important benefits of Single Sign-On feature:-
·      Reduce Passwords – By this users will not have to remember yet another password.
·      Easily Manage Access – It easily allows or revokes access to PagerTree using your IdP.
·      Improve Security – It manages the passwords, password policies, and security settings through your IdP (Identity Provider).
ICal integration helps to easily export your users'/team's call schedule in popular calendar tools such as Google Calendar, Outlook and Calendar (Mac).

ü Notifications:-
PagerTree prioritizes incident Notifications and applies the notification rules using which you will be able to customize:
·      Time based conditions to match
·      Time between notification channels
·      Repeat notification cycles
It also provides us the tool for delivery notifications too.

ü Serverless Technologies:-
It uses Serverless technologies and architecture that provides us the serverless tools which also helps in cost reduce.

ü Prometheus monitoring stack:-
It also uses Prometheus monitoring stack which is used as an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit by connecting it to the Grafana for the pretty dashboard which you can finally configure to get alerts via PagerTree.

So, at last “PagerTree” is a best tool which you can use for your On-Call scheduling with your employers. It is so simple and affordable to use PagerTree as a tool for your On-Call that you have to just pick up the tools inside it and to know how to use it which is very easy and nothing else. So, after all I will recommend “PagerTree” to use it for your On-Call scheduling which will make your life more easier. 

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