Apps And Challenges

Challenges With Applications!!

What are the challenges the app builders face during developing their apps and how they confront it, answer to these questions will also help us for developing our application. So, let’s began to know the problems and their solutions.
During the development of the mobile app, the business targets Android due to its largely worldwide mobile operating system market share. The alphabet has made Android available as an open source mobile platform. In addition, it updates the mobile operating system at regular intervals with new features and enhancements. But the entry rate for different versions of the mobile operating system is different.
The alphabet does not control Android smartphones, tablets and phablets manufactured by different companies. Therefore, despite of being powered by the same version of Android, the devices manufactured by various companies come with different hardware features. That's why, it becomes necessary for developers to create a mobile app by targeting a wide range of devices powered by different versions of Android.
While planning, developing and testing mobile apps, they need to focus on mobile app access, functionality, performance, utility and security. Also, they should be able to find ways to give the app a personalized user experience across different devices and operating system versions. To develop a strong Android app, they need many common challenges.
Now, let’s begin to know about the some basic and common challenges faced by the Android App Developers:-

v Fragmentation of the software:-
As mentioned earlier, the different market share of different versions of Android is different. According to the latest data released by Google, the most recent version of your mobile operating system - Nougat - market share is less than its predecessors - Marshmallo, Lollipop and KitKat. Each and every new version of Android comes with differnet new features and enhancements. Developers must incorporate specific features into the app to provide the optimum user experience by availing these new features. In addition, they also need to ensure that the app provides rich and personalized user experiences on devices powered by older versions of Android. Developers must target several versions of Android to make the app popular and profitable in short run.

v Changes in Hardware Features:-
As, Android is an open source platform. The alphabet allows device manufacturers to customize their operating system according to their specific requirements. Also, it does not control the Android device launched by different manufacturers. Therefore, even though Android is powered by the same version, the device comes with different hardware features. For example, two device displays powered by Android Nougat may differ from each other in the size, resolution, camera, and other hardware features category. During the development of the Android app, developers need to ensure that it gives each device a personalized experience with access to all the hardware features of your device.

v There is no uniform process or rules for designing User Interface:-
There is no common user interface (UI) designing process or rules is released by the Google for mobile app developers. Therefore, most developers make Android applications without following any standard UI development process or rules. When developers make their UI interfaces in their own way, the apps do not appear or work consistently in different devices. The UI's incompatibility and diversity directly impacts the user experience distributed by the Android app.
Smart developers opt for responsive layouts to keep the UI consistent in many devices. Additionally, developers will have to test their mobile app's UI widely by adding real devices and imitators. But developers often find it difficult to design a UI that makes the app consistent in various Android devices.

v Incompatibility in API:-
Most apps use third-party APIs to increase the mobile app's functionality and interactivity. But the APIs availability is different for Android app developers from the third party. Some APIs are designed for a special edition of Android. Therefore, these APIs do not work on devices operated by different versions of the mobile operating system. Developers have to find ways to work on single APIs on various versions of Android. But often with the same set of APIs the app seems challenging to work smoothly on various Android devices.

v Flaws in Security:-
Its open source nature makes it easy for device manufacturers to customize Android according to their specific requirements. But openness and its large market share weakened Android for consistent security attacks. There are many instances where security bugs or bugs like Stagefrite, 'Certifi-gate' mRST, FakeID, Installer Hijacking and TowelRoot have affected the security of millions of Android devices. Developers must include strong security features in the app, and despite the targeted security attacks and security errors in Android, the user needs to use the latest encryption mechanism to protect the information.

v Visibility of Android Search Engine:-
The latest data posted on different websites shows that there are a lot of mobile apps in the Google Play Store compared to the Apple App Store. Plus, a great percentage of Android device users prefer free apps on paid apps. Therefore, developers have to aggressively promote their mobile app to complete high download numbers and apply app monetization options. By targeting the most relevant users they also need to implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to promote their applications. Many developers have to take advantage of the services of digital marketing professionals to aggressively promote their apps.

v Copyright Issues:-
Users have the option to choose from many Android apps offering similar features and functionality. But developers often find the challenges to create apps with unique features and functionality. They often include features and functionality in the app, which make it similar to many apps available in the same category in the Play Store. Unlike Apple, Google does not apply strict guidelines to evaluate the quality of new apps being submitted to our app store. The lack of standardized quality assessment guidelines often solves issues related to the developers' patent. To avoid copyright issues, some developers have to design and modify their applications in the future.

As a result most Android app developers nowadays work in the energetic development environment to create fast Android apps. They have to co-ordinate with QA professionals, and actively participate in the mobile app testing process. Therefore, developers also need to address several common issues in Android App testing.

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