JavaScript And Web Apps

How Good is JavaScript for Web Apps!!

How perfect is the Javascript to build a large scale Web Applications? This whole article is answering this question so, let’s have a look over it.
According to recent statistics posted on, over 89% of websites currently use JavaScript as a client-side programming language. As a cross-platform and light programming language, Javascript makes it easy for developers to create responsive websites and web applications that work seamlessly with popular web browsers, operating systems and devices. It is widely used by programmers as part of the web browser to accomplish important functions such as web browser, user interaction and unlimited communications.
Additionally, the programmer has the option of using Javascript as a server-side scripting language through Node.js and similar runtime environments. Also, they can use different types of open source frameworks to reduce the time and effort needed to build JavaScript applications. It can also be used with HTML5 and CSS to create web applications and games. So you can consider using Javascript as a dynamic client-side programming language to build large-scale web applications.So, let’s look over the advantages of using Javascript for Web Application Development.

v Major Web browser supports:-
Javascript is supported by most widely used web browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera. It is also supported by the new web browser whose vendors have implemented Javascript. Users can access web applications using Javascript despite their choice of Java browser. They also have the option of accessing all the functionality of the website by enabling the scripting language, if it is disabled for some reason.

v Any specific tool is not needed:-
Javascript is an interpreting programming language. You can easily write code without using a specific device or program. You can just open a notepad, and start writing javascript code. Also, you have the option of using many editors to identify mistakes in the code. The editors make the script colorful or re-iterable to make users easier to identify errors.

v Code can be reused:-
By placing the code in different files, you can reuse the javascript code on many pages. After placing the code in a separate file, you have to save the file with the extension “.js”. The file can be linked to several web pages using the <script> tag in the HTML code of the page. The option enables you to avoid writing additional code while adding the same functionality to different parts of the website.

v Updated Response data is delivered from the server:-
Javascript uses the XmlHttpRequest API for further data retrieval. The API sends an HTTP or HTTPS request to the web server, and loads the response sent by the server to the script. The script can easily update the current web page based on the response data received from the server without reloading a new web page. Therefore, you can promote the display of web applications by providing updated information to users without fully loading the web page.

v Works comparatively faster:-
AS, JavaScript is comes under client-side scripting language. The code is executed on the user's system. Since code is executed without interaction on any server, processing is done relatively quickly. Rapid processing enables web applications to keep busy by providing users with a rich browsing experience.

v Contains many Libraries and Frameworks:-
You have the option of reducing the time and effort needed to build large JavaScript applications using many structures and libraries. Many programmers prefer to use dynamic javascript frameworks such as AngularJS, Backbone, Amber and React. However, you still have the option to select from a longer list of JavaScript libraries according to your specific requirements.

v Website’s Functionality is extended:-
Javascript makes it easy for you to expand the functionality of the web application without any extra effort. You can use the scripting language to create visual effects on the screen, calculate data and make web pages more interactive. Javascript further allows you to extend the functionality of the website using third-party scripts. Flexibility makes it easy to add out-of-box features to web applications without using any additional plug-ins or tools for you.

v Local Caching is optimized:-
Javascript with HTML5 can be used to enable users to access websites, even when there is no active Internet connection. Techniques are effective at caching data locally, and make web connections accountable until the internet connection is restored. You can also use tools like Condo UI DataSource to track changes made in the object locally, and upload changes to the web server after the network connection is restored. The option enables you to work the web app like a mobile app.

v Load on Server is reduced:-
Server-side scripting languages ​​require a web server to process a user request before sending a response to the user. So the user needs extra time even after having a high speed internet connection. But JavaScript code is processed on a user's machine without interacting with a web browser. Thus, the stress and load on the web server is very low, while the user receives quick response. You can use Javascript while building websites on a large scale to provide users with a fast response without putting extra stress on the server.

v Also works with other Web technologies:-
As previously mentioned, Javascript can be used as both client-side and server-side scripting languages. Also, you have the option of using JavaScript as a client-side technology with some of the most widely used web technologies, such as PHP, Pearl and Java. Scripting language is widely used with HTML 5 and CSS for the development of responsive websites accessible on different devices using the same code base.

However, when making use of it to build large websites and web applications, some major drawbacks to Javascript should be kept in mind. Since the javascript code is executed on the web browser, it becomes weak for various security attacks. Also, the code becomes unpredictable because individual browsers consider it different.
But you can still use JavaScript with many popular web technologies like HTML5 and CSS so that strong web applications can be available on many devices, operating systems and web browsers.

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