Features Of Ubuntu Studio

Why Ubuntu Studio is Amazing!!

In this article we are going to know few of the interesting points about Ubuntu Studio. As, Ubuntu Studio is one of the Ubuntu's official flavors and it is a free and open source operating system. It is widely used by Linux users worldwide for editing and publishing the audio, graphics, video, and photography. This multimedia oriented GNU / Linux distribution is a free application and when you install Ubuntu, you get this amazing editing app pre-installed.
You can get this in four different languages, these are: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. It has advanced packaging tools in its package manager, which was developed by Linux community developers for over three years. You will not find real-time kernel in Ubuntu Studio's stores, but it was used extensively in the 8.04 and 9 .10 versions of this application. So, now let’s know about its amazing world with free multimedia applications.

ü Ubuntu Studios' Community Efforts:-
This is primarily a Linux community project, where millions of Linux users and developers are volunteering to install this multimedia application, easy to install and use. Whether a developer is a beginner or a supporter, they test their skills and contribute to making and updating this amazing app. The next time you listen to the Linux community generous and tight-knit, just remember that they had developed Ubuntu Studio.

ü What Ubuntu Studio do?
The original version of Ubuntu was released on May 10, 2007, and since then, this app is updated and upgraded to do many multimedia functions on Linux. When you install it on your operating system, you will hear a Pulse audio, which is a default sound and handles all other desktop sounds. With the latest release of Ubuntu Studio 16.10, you can control the operating system's overall sound system and operation, while viewing and editing video and audio.

ü Unique audience are targeted by Ubuntu Studio:-
The main targeted audience of Ubuntu Studios is musicians, gamers and multimedia editing enthusiasts who have experience with Windows and / or Mac. Whether they have prior experience with Linux or not, they can enjoy a wide range of skills such as graphics, video editing, audio recording.

ü Supported Devices:-
There is a wide range of devices supported by Ubuntu Studio and with the support of Alsa everything has been possible. Supported by Pulseaudio, Alsa works perfectly with Jack and only multichannel cards show some problems with this desktop audio element. Other devices like FireWire will only work with special configuration and will not support Alsa. Overall, most devices has good compatibility with this Linux multimedia app.

ü Why will you Love Ubuntu Studio?
Once it is set up, is not going back! Along with many other incredible features of this multimedia software, you will be in love with the user-friendly interface and the smooth operation of the application. The next time you want to edit your home video, here are some of the most attractive and productive benefits to using Ubuntu Studio:
·      Low audio latency:-
In Ubuntu Studio 12.04, the default kernel has a low latency which means that you will get a more stable audio app operation. The scheduler will allow to request immediate CPU time, which will low down the audio latency. You can also enable wireless networking and graphic card drivers without running high audio latency in the jack.

·      Presence of advanced desktop effects:-
The traditional Ubuntu Studio came with default purple and orange effect, but the latest version contains custom artwork and Blue-on-Black theme. When a quick graphics card is used with the right driver, you can enjoy advanced desktop effects. The default Ubuntu Studio Theme is also replaced with a fresh sound theme added by the Karmic 9.10, and also pings with a prompt.
·      It's free:-
Nothing in this world comes free and everything is worth. It provides a fresh change to its users when everything comes at no cost. No extra cost, or payment upgrades - it's easy to get free! You can also view the source code and modify the source code at no cost.
·      Thousands of free applications:-
When you install it, you also get thousands of official free apps that will help you to enhance your Ubuntu Studio experience. Apart from this, there are many fairly valuable applications, but with many free ones, most of your needs will be met at no charge. With its official repository for applications, you can enjoy not only spectacular features of Ubuntu Studio, but also other free apps.
·      Mild hardware is required:-
Unlike other high-end multimedia applications, to install it, you only need hardware with normal features. You can run this application on any low-end machine, which eliminates the need for investing in any expensive computer before using the application.
·      Simple installation:-
You can easily install it with a live DVD or USB drive on your Linux operating system. You can also install it from your "ubuntustudio-desktop" package with advanced packaging tools.

The goal of this Ubuntu taste is to provide a gateway for users who enter the Linux world and want to add this operating system to their daily lives. Whether it is offering a variety of applications and documentation, or being your portal to GNU / Linux and Floss communities from all around the world, Ubuntu Studio is here to change the way you edit and use your multimedia.

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